Submitted by Liz on Wed, 09/15/2021 - 09:11

Scotland is now ‘Beyond level 0’. The external rules that restricted face-to-face activity have more or less ended.
Submitted by Sandra on Thu, 05/20/2021 - 21:52
We were delighted when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon recently announced that restrictions would begin to ease across most of mainland Scotland. This meant that from Monday 17 May 2021 home visits for befriending could begin as six individuals from three households can now meet indoors.
We appreciate that although we are all looking forward to reconnecting and getting life back on track there will be a degree of nervousness.
Here at Kincardine and Deeside Befriending we understand that some people may choose to wait a bit longer before resuming indoor visits. Please remember that volunteers and befriendees can contact their coordinator at any time to chat over any concerns they may have.
Details of the new rules can be found on the following link
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
Submitted by Sandra on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 13:03
Submitted by kdb_admin on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 13:14
On 23rd March 2021 the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon laid out a possible timetable for easing restrictions which suggests if infection rates remain low, from 17 May in-home socialising of four people from two households is likely to be allowed. This would mean face to face befriending could resume.
Currently befrienders and befriendees are still not able to meet indoors or travel in a car together. For befriendees who can get outside on their own safely without any physical help, there may be an opportunity to organise a meeting outdoors. These meetings must always follow social distancing rules. Please contact your Co-ordinator to discuss if you feel this is a possibility for you and your befriender.
We understand for some matches a return to face to face meetings cannot come soon enough. We also understand that some may be anxious about meeting with others again. Please do contact your Co-ordinator to discuss any concerns.
We will continue to work in line with guidance from public health sources so that you and your befriender can be kept as safe as possible. You or your family/friends can access more information from the Scottish Government’s website using the following link: Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance - (
With our sincere thanks for your continued support.
Liz Treasure
Senior Co-ordinator (on behalf of Trustees and Staff at Kincardine and Deeside Befriending)
Stonehaven Office (Liz & Shona) 01569 765714
Banchory Office (Maggie) 01330 823368
Submitted by kdb_admin on Fri, 08/21/2020 - 16:53
In view of all the exceptional volunteering that has been going on in communities to help the more vulnerable in our villages and towns across Aberdeenshire during the COVID 19 situation, AVA launched their Community Spirit Awards recently.
We are delighted today to say that Kincardine and Deeside Befriending volunteers have been recognized for the difference they have been making and the community spirit you have been showing across Aberdeenshire.
Well done and Thank you – a well deserved award for you all.

Submitted by kdb_admin on Wed, 07/29/2020 - 08:36
The Scottish Government has confirmed that individuals can stop shielding from 1st August. This is because the rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland is currently very low. Hopefully, this will remain the case and further lockdowns will not occur for us, but we will need to be mindful of possible local changes in this relaxation.
So, from the 1st of August Kincardine and Deeside befrienders and befriendees will be able to meet up again face to face, following social distancing guidelines and hand hygiene, cough etiquette guidelines which are highlighted below.
Submitted by kdb_admin on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 00:00
In response to the coronavirus pandemic Kincardine and Deeside Befriending has had to move from our face to face befriender visits to a model of telephone support for the older, vulnerable people we serve.
We have taken this step to protect befriendees, befrienders and staff from exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and to keep everyone safe.
Kincardine and Deeside Befriending remains active in supporting older people (over 55yrs) living in the community who are experiencing social isolation and loneliness.
Submitted by kdb_admin on Sun, 03/31/2019 - 00:00
Submitted by kdb_admin on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 00:00