Please see our news page for the latest COVID-19 information for befrienders.

Getting in Touch

Please download a form using the following links or contact us.

If you are housebound, if your circumstances have recently changed through bereavement or ill-health, or if you feel lonely or isolated, then regular visits from a volunteer befriender may help you.

A Coordinator will visit you to discuss befriending and get to know about your particular needs. If you wish to be introduced to a befriender then this will be done as soon as we are able. All our volunteers are interviewed and screened through the Disclosure Scotland PVG Scheme and we also take up references. Your volunteer will visit you on a regular basis to suit your needs. The project Coordinator will also keep in regular contact to make sure everything is running smoothly.

We also welcome enquiries from family members, neighbours and friends. A Coordinator will only make an initial visit to someone with the individual’s consent.

Professional Referrals

Referrals can also come from any professional involved in an older person's care e.g. health workers, social services and other voluntary organisations. Referrers can call the project and discuss a potential referral with the Coordinators or complete a referral form giving details about the client's health, circumstances and support needs. Referrals should only be made with the client's consent.