Please see our news page for the latest COVID-19 information for befrienders.


For many years we have received funding from the Local Authority now Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership and Aberdeenshire Integrated Care Fund. This is evidence of the value of service we provide. This funding however does not cover all our costs and we need to actively fundraise to be able to cover the shortfall and continue to deliver our service. We are grateful for all financial support and we actively seek financial support from Trusts and Organisations. We are also grateful for donations from local individuals, companies and organisations.

This additional funding allows us to add greater value to the service. Some examples include - to access specific training for volunteers, to purchase equipment or provide transport to enable clients and volunteers to attend our social events and much more besides.

If you feel you could support the work of K & D Befriending in any way please get in touch (see Contacts)