What is Befriending?
Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships with volunteer befrienders to people who would otherwise be socially isolated.
Kincardine & Deeside Befriending matches volunteer befrienders on a one to one basis with people over 55 who have become socially isolated because of illness, disability or some difficulty or change of circumstance.
Befrienders visit regularly and may undertake activities such as a home visit, a trip out to local places of interest, to access local community facilities or share hobbies and interests.
Befrienders carry out a purely social role and do not undertake any personal care or domestic duties.
I enjoy being able to share in the life of another person in a way that is enriching to us both. My visits have brought some male company into the life of my befriendee … and give some relief to the primary carer too” (Befriender)
The benefits of befriending
Befriending can provide:
- Emotional and practical support
- Help to enable people to access community facilities
- Increased confidence and self esteem
- Support for carers
By improving older peoples mental and physical wellbeing befriending contributes to enabling people to remain in their own home longer.
Having a befriender has been very good for me. Louise is someone I can talk to outside the family. I look forward to her visits. She understands me and we have a chat and lots of laughs together. She brightens my day. Thank you K & D Befriending” (Befriendee)
We are affiliated with Befriending Network UK and whilst covering befriending over many client groups the ‘Being A Befriender – Good Practice’ document also applies to befriending of older people. We refer to this document in our introductory training for new volunteers and it helps provide a clearer understanding of what a befriender role might look like.